Committee Interest Form Committee Interest Name First Last PhoneEmail Please select all committees you are interested in participating in: CoC Committee – Lead Agency – This committee works on updating the CoC Plan, Governance Charter and P&P in accordance with HUD, State and Federal requirements and general operations of the coalition. Landlord Committee – convening local landlords, housing complexes and agencies to help engage and facilitate between agencies, landlords and clients. Youth Advisory Committee – 18-24 homeless youth focused to try to connect and bring resources to end homelessness within this population. Members should include youth, formerly or homeless youth, agencies that provide assistance for homeless and advocates. Lived Experience Committee – homeless/formerly homeless join to talk about barriers, resources, strategies, insight on what can be accomplished. This committee should encourage homeless to help formulate policies, processes and help to show a different perspective about homelessness. SPM Committee (System Performance Committee) - Provides recommendations regarding project performance measures on all projects receiving funds through the coalition. Data driven, analyzing, and improving program outcomes. Point-in-Time Committee – Planning, training and developing a process to survey local homeless population as a HUD required event. Outreach Committee – Organizing, planning and brainstorming to help with the PIT, while assisting other agencies by helping locate homeless encampments throughout the community. HMIS Oversight Committee – Discuss data quality, data issues, and HUD requirements. This is a helpful users’ forum for collecting data. Review Panel Committee – This committee makes recommendations, from non-funded members, regarding funding, scoring and ranking of submitted applications through the CoC. CE Committee (Vet and BNL) – This committee reviews the current By Name List and is a place to advocate for clients. Case managers providing housing or programs providing housing should make plans to attend. Board – Shall be comprised of the officers of the coalition, non-funded agency members, community members and the lead agency and UWSV executive director as ex-officio members. The board will be comprised of a minimum of five members and a maximum of nine members. Only one member can represent an agency or business. The HSNSV Board is responsible for the general oversight of all standing and ad hoc Committees and general operations of the coalition. A quorum shall be constituted by a simple majority in attendance at a duly noticed meeting.