Job Relationship:Job Title: Community Impact Coordinator
Responsible To: Executive Director, Homeless Services Supervisor
Position Objective: To support the implementation of the Goals/Objectives/Strategies adopted by the United Way Board of Directors; continuous improvement of the Education, Financial Stability and Health Community Investment Committee efforts to address identified community needs; and to provide homeless coalition/Continuum of Care (CoC) staff support to ensure compliance with the State of Florida homeless coalition staffing grant contract by assisting with the development of the local homeless continuum of care plan, as described in 420.624 F.S. and meeting and maintaining compliance with duties and activities required by 420.634, F.S. As support staff to the CoC, ensure compliance with the responsibilities of the CoC, as prescribed in 24 CFR 578.7 and 578.9.
Job Relationship:
External: Interact with volunteers, associated committees, United Way partners, other United Way organizations.
Internal: Interact with all staff and volunteers.
Primary Job Responsibilities/Duties:
- Provide support for all Community Investment Team and the Homeless Services Network of Suwannee Valley (HSNSV) homeless coalition, activities (including but not limited to preparing agendas, confirming speakers, sending meeting reminders, updating rosters, taking minutes and managing email groups)
- Managing the software for United Way’s grant funding process used by applicants, volunteers and staff, including training, implementation and ensuring data integrity
- Utilize disaggregated data and data on root cause of racial disparities to help shape impact strategies, programs, and the populations served
- Create a community impact agenda that communicates the communities priorities, goals and specific strategies to make progress
- Utilize information on the interests of donors to develop impact investment opportunities that line up with those desires
- Identify community agencies and coordinate application process for the community investment campaign and the homeless coalition grant funds
- Assist the Executive Director in the oversight and support of the organizations’ internal initiatives
- Provide administrative support for community partnerships
- Represent United Way at public events and promote resources as necessary
- Updating annually the governance charter (See 24 CFR 578.7(a.)(5).
- Prepare the monthly coalition staffing grants reports.
- Monitor communications related to the work of the homeless coalition, including but not limited to HUD Exchange, National Homeless Information Project, Florida Coalition to End Homeless, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, etc. and generating files for such documents as needed or requested as well as communicate the information to parties who it applies to.
- Participate in the generation of the applications for Homeless Prevention Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, Challenge Grant, and Homeless Coalition Staffing Grant. Collaboratively, with other staff, prepare the HUD CoC application and related HUD submissions including participating in conference calls, drafting documents for grant applications, and collecting information needed.
- Serve as the contract manager between UWSV, as the homeless coalition lead agency, and the sub-grantee agencies for the Challenge, TANF, and Emergency Solutions Grants, including conducting and reporting on site visits, and evaluating outcomes of projects and reporting to HUD.
- Conduct and report on site visits of Challenge Grant project sponsors, and participate in site visits for other coalition-related grant recipient monitoring.
- Update all forms required for client files per contracts.
- Coalition capacity duties including developing contact lists of faith based community, elected officials, etc.
- Monitor match for all grants
- Pursuant to HB 7165 regarding Early Learning, secure and submit Early Learning Coalition referrals for those households identified as homeless.
- Maintain mandatory training certificates for all staff including HIPPA, etc.
- Maintain the homeless services directory
- Service as staff to the Review Panel Committee by taking, maintaining and distributing minutes.
- Coordinate all logistics regarding the Point-in-Time (PIT) activities up to and including the actual survey of homeless individuals which includes assisting with supply ordering, training, and meeting documentation (attendance/minutes). Analyze and report PIT data to HUD and state to meet grant requirements.
- Maintain knowledge of HMIS and ability to respond to agency/user questions.
- Participate in HMIS Users Group.
- Participate in System Performance Committee
- Handle all aspects of the Long Term Recovery Committee
- Participate in disaster training sessions.
- Support United Way of Suwannee Valley’s role during disasters.
- Keep 2-1-1 updated with local resources.
- Perform additional projects and assist with special events as assigned.
Education: College Associates degree preferred
Background working with non-profit agencies, project management and administrative support. Minimum of 3 years experience preferred.
Knowledge and Skills:
Communication Skills; both written and verbal
Organizational Skills
Tracking Grant Reporting
Project Management
Volunteer Management
Competence in Microsoft software products including proficiency in Microsoft Excel

Jennifer Anchors
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