Sponsorships available for United Way of Suwannee Valley’s
Leading For Tomorrow Leadership Conference
Thursday February 27, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Florida Gateway College Wilson S. Rivers Media Center, Rm 102
149 SE College Place, Lake City, FL 32025
Company name/logo on signs throughout the event area, United Way of Suwannee Valley website, social media, e-mail blasts, and UWSV E-Newsletter and an opportunity for a vendor table and five tickets to the forum.
Company name/logo on signs throughout the event area, United Way of Suwannee Valley website, and UWSV E-Newsletter and an opportunity for a vendor table and four tickets to the forum.
Your sponsorship recognition does not end here! *All of the above sponsorship levels qualifies your company as a United Way of Suwannee Valley “Corporate Champion Partner” (see attached Corporate Champion Program brochure for level of Partnership (PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, or BRONZE) and additional recognition through April 2025!
Additional Leadership Conference sponsorship opportunities available are:
Company name/logo on signs throughout the event area and company name on United Way of Suwannee Valley website and an opportunity for a vendor table and three tickets to the forum.
$600 – Lunch Sponsor
Company or individual’s name in the event program and an opportunity for a vendor table and two tickets to the forum.
$250 – Breakfast Sponsor
Company or individual’s name at the event and an opportunity for a vendor table and one ticket to the forum.