

Community Service is very rewarding.

  • Make new friends
  • Improve the lives of others
  • Set an example for family members
  • Give back to the community
  • Create a family tradition
  • Meet job, school, church, or social group expectations
  • Explore a new career
  • Build self – esteem

To volunteer to serve with one of our projects or with one of our agencies, call Jennifer Anchors at 386-752-5604 x 104.


Many companies want volunteer community service opportunities for their associates. Please contact our office if you have a project for which you would like volunteer assistance.

United Way of Suwannee Valley’s new Volunteer Opportunities for 2023:

ReadingPals: Volunteers are sought for United Way of Suwannee Valley’s ReadingPals initiative.  ReadingPals is an early literacy initiative focused on screening, training, and engaging volunteer “reading coaches.” The local United Way’ ReadingPals program will support kindergarten students in beginning their school careers with the necessary literacy tutoring to overcome deficiencies which exist at the time of kindergarten entry. Individuals interested in being a ReadingPals volunteer will be provided training to prepare for tutoring a student, pass a background screening, and be provided with reading curriculum materials. For additional information on participating as a ReadingPals tutor and fostering the love of reading in children click here.

Citizens Information Center (CIC): Your Community Needs YOU After A Disaster!

Sign-up today to volunteer your time to support the efforts of the Citizens Information Center telephone line at the Columbia County Emergency Management office. Volunteers will be answering phone calls on basic information from citizens in Columbia County during and after a disaster. Contact Suzanne Burris at 386-752-5604 x 105 or email suzanne@unitedwaysuwanneevalley.org

Committee Member Volunteer Opportunities: How would you like to be a volunteer/committee member? The committees listed below are recruiting new members for our 2023-2024 campaign season.

Columbia County Campaign Team
Hamilton County Campaign Team
Suwannee County Campaign Team
Bourbon + Blue Jeans Event and Committee
Resource Development Committee

Golf Tournament Planning Committee

Please contact Dawn Stalter at (386) 752-5604 ext. 103 or dawn@unitedwsv.org for more information.

Administrative Volunteer: General office duties; organizing, shredding, mailings, and more.