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Workplace Campaigns

A caring community working together is a powerful thing.

United Way of Suwannee Valley has been working towards a better life for you, your family, and your business since 1967. Together we can unite action and achieve results like no other organization can. Making a contribution through a workplace giving campaign is the easiest way to have the greatest impact on your community with the least impact on your budget.

United Way is a smart investment. Starting with conversations to understand the greatest needs, we then work with nonprofit collaborations to advance education, financial stability, and health. Please join us as we improve lives by uniting the caring power of our community. Your generous donation stays local to create long-term solutions in a network of people, businesses, schools, local government, and nonprofit agencies.

Our corporate partners help make what we do possible. Through their corporate contributions and employee pledges, our community partners Live United.

53% of donations come through payroll deductions. If almost 40,944 people donated $0.50 a week, we could raise over $1 million dollars in a year.

Publix Super Markets Charities contribution totaled $40,943. In addition, Lake City and Live Oak Publix associates pledged $34,134 for a combined total of $75,077 for the 2021-2022 campaign season.

Workplace Campaigns

 United Way of Suwannee Valley’s workplace campaigns are about bringing people in local workplaces together to tackle our community’s most difficult issues in the areas of education, financial stability and health. Whether you’re a small business, major corporation or even a nonprofit, you can join the thousands of local businesses and organizations that run workplace campaigns each year.

We Make It Easy

There are many advantages to running a United Way of Suwannee Valey workplace campaign:

  • United Way of Suwannee Valley offers a simple, convenient and efficient way for your employees to support the community and causes they believe in.
  • Your employees may give in regular increments, via payroll deduction through an easy to use system or through paper pledging.
  • A workplace campaign will help your company to achieve its Corporate Social Responsibility goals.
  • Your employees will be able to tap into a wealth of volunteer opportunities.
  • United Way of Suwannee Valley will provide you with all the tools and support you need. To start, check out our Campaign Toolkit which is loaded with information and resources to help you run a successful workplace campaign.

United Way of Suwannee Valley thoroughly vets our nonprofit members annually to ensure we provide donors with access to the most effective nonprofit organizations in the area.

Through a workplace campaign your employees will experience the satisfaction of seeing their donations turn into programs and services that create impact on people’s lives. When they see the needle moving on important social issues in our community, they will know your company or organization helped to make a difference and they will feel proud of their collective accomplishments.

United Way of Suwannee Valley will partner with you to develop a customized fundraising campaign that aligns with your corporate values, as well as the particular interests of your employees. We will provide training and support to assist you in building your fundraising team and running an effective campaign.
We will provide you with the tools and resources needed to be successful.

If you would like to learn more about starting a workplace campaign in your company or organization, or need assistance running your campaign, please contact 386-752-5604, ext 103.


Dawn Stalter

Campaign Coordinator

386-752-5604 Extension 103